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Below are comments about the Manifesto.


So much energy put into something that I couldn''t care less about. OK, I guess that isn't helpful, but why so much effort in definitions? Love God, Love your neighbor as yourself. That's enough definition for me, and more than enough work for a lifetime.

R Farnum

I find it interesting that this "Manifesto", a document which bemoans the replacement of "sola Scriptura" with "sola cultura", is itself devoid of Biblical quotations.

Lee Hoy

Wow!! Finally!!! I can only say that I rarely read something that is so poignant in what it says and that while addressing a complex topic it presents the view in simple terms. It is my hope that all followers will give serious consideration to the implic


It is a very good document. I don't see any major problems with it yet. It will be interesting to see how many will follow this bold step of leadership.

David S Muir

I cannot too highly recommend this Manifesto to other believers of all faiths and none. It points a way forward with love, compassion and a vision of intellectual integrity into the public arena of life and ideas where we Evangelicals have been tragically

Craig Thornton

The Manifesto is very well written. Very interesting and educational. Being a Atheist it is always beneficial to understand the true motivation of a religion. Thanks

Matt Proctor

I found the words of this document inspiring, convicting, and helpful. This is a grand vision, but like Christ, they offer hope. I pray that my years in ministry reflect such a vision.


Dear Sir: I would like to know more about the individuals who have worked on the manifesto. Have all these people truly "trusted" Christ as personal savior, before they can write about such issues? You do realize that not every theologian, pastor, etc. ar

Alden Poetker

First, I wish to express my deepest appreciation to all who have contributed to this manifesto. I was somewhat nervous about its content, but rather than leaving me saddened, it generated tears of joy as it articulated so well where my heart, mind and sou

Brian Adams

First, I am not exactly an evangelical, but more of a mainline Protestant Christian. I do, however, very much agree with some of the criticisms of the mainline church in this document. In particular, many mainline liberals do tend to give in to culture at

Paul Edwards

Dr. Os Guinness will join me on my talk program in Detroit live at 4:00 pm ET on Wednesday, May 7 to discuss the manifesto. Stream the interview live at


This is great. I am proud to be an Evangelical.


Why don't the seven emphases of evangelical belief include the fact that Jesus was resurrected?


I think this is a step in the right direction. It will definetly help the Evangelicals gain more allies than enemies.


Sadly I doubt either Calvin or Luther would recognize many things that have been portrayed here as "evangelical"... Anabaptist perhaps, but not evangelical. The fact that Jim Wallis a leftist radical whose faith is a mockery of evangelicalism has been all

Steve McConkey

42-9-3-0 42 million abortion deaths worldwide each year (not counting the morning-after pill), 9 for starvation, 3 for AIDS, 0 for global warming. The evangelical church continues to leave the abortion problem behind as the church becomes weaker in order


I've only just read the summary, but you've put into words what I've struggled to for years! THANK you for giving me a voice. The term Evangelical has been so used and abused...both by those who claim it and those who defame it. while I'm proud to claim t

Terry Wright

Instead of worrying about what the world thinks about a term that is not even in the Scriptures, Christians should start worrying about the spiritual decay that is happening in the Church. How can we "evangelize" when most churches have 50% divorced adult


I believe you have failed to draw a necessary distinction when it comes to the re-emergence of "social justice" aka a reinvented social gospel among evangelicals. Christ NEVER taught that Christians were to use gov't to force others to finance His work to


To All: It is important to remember that this is not a comprehensive theological treatise. It is what it states to be; and you are welcome to disagree with it. Arguing about subtleties of doctrine, however, while important, is for other avenues and differ

Bill Holston

Well said Brothers. It's about time we started talking about good news. It is after all, good news, the Yeshua came to save sinners of whom I am chief.


As a former Evangelical (current mainline Christian) I thought the Manifesto was at its best when it was self-reflective and calling Evangelicals back to their core principals. However I was also disappointed to see that the document still defines Evangel

John Nelson

This is an important and timely document - I thank God for the leadership of these distinguished sponsors. This can go a long way toward refocusing Evangelicals on our calling and also resuing the word "evangelical" from the political arena.


A Civil public square is a great idea on in which MCC has been fighting for for almost 40 years. Sadly too many people have baggage from religion to get past inclusive faith. One thing I know is that Jesus taught us to love one another. He didn't say anyt

Patricia Spillman

I agree that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the first priority of the church. However, moral values and caring about the sanctity of life and the lifestyles of the gay people who have been led astray by people who have control of our laws is part of the Go

Michael Labrador

On the surface, after the first reading, it appears to be a document I could support. I am very interested in the opinions of others and have created a Facebook Group to discuss it. It can be found at:;